Farrier Required at Mayo in Canada

February 20, 2024
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Job Description

About the Job:

A Well-respected organization in Mayo, Yukon seeks brilliant Farrier. Embark on a profitable profession as a Farrier in Mayo, Yukon, wherein your understanding in horseshoeing and equine hoof care can be essential. We’re searching for a devoted character to sign up for our group and make contributions to the wellness and overall performance of horses thru professional farrier services.


Role Overview:

As a Farrier, your number one duty can be to offer specialised hoof take care of horses. You’ll play a critical position in keeping the fitness and soundness of horses’ feet, making sure their average consolation and overall performance.


Key Responsibilities:


Hoof Trimming and Shoeing: Perform particular trimming and shoeing of horses’ hooves to sell right stability and support.

Equine Foot Health: Assess and cope with problems associated with hoof fitness, along with lameness or imbalances.

Forge Work: Create and regulate horseshoes the usage of forging strategies to fulfill character horse requirements.

Communication: Work intently with horse proprietors, trainers, and veterinarians to recognize unique wishes and concerns.

Safety Protocols: Adhere strictly to protection strategies and hints all through hoof care and forging activities.

Collaboration: Collaborate with different equine specialists to make certain complete take care of horses.

Client Education: Provide steering to horse proprietors on right hoof care practices and preventive measures.

Training Support: Stay up to date with improvements in farrier strategies and take part in applicable education sessions.

Documentation: Maintain correct facts of hoof care sessions, problems identified, and endorsed treatments.

Continuous Learning: Stay knowledgeable approximately the cutting-edge trends in equine hoof care and farriery.


Skills & Experience:


Previous enjoy as a Farrier or in a applicable equine hoof care position is preferred.

Proficient in horseshoeing strategies, hoof trimming, and forging.

Excellent information of equine anatomy and foot biomechanics.

Strong bodily health and the cappotential to paintings with horses in diverse environments.

Excellent verbal exchange and interpersonal skills.


Qualifications and Requirements:


Certification in farriery or applicable equine hoof care education is advantageous.

Familiarity with horseshoeing system and protocols is beneficial.



This activity description outlines the position tailor-made for Mayo, Yukon. The profits will align with enterprise requirements and the placement withinside the town.