Parking Lot Attendant Required at Dieppe in Canada

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Job Description

About the Job:

Embark on a profitable profession as a Parking Lot Attendant in Dieppe, New Brunswick, in which your dedication to retaining order and making sure a easy parking enjoy may be distinctly valued. We’re in search of a committed man or woman to enroll in our crew and make a contribution to the green control of parking facilities.


Role Overview:

As a Parking Lot Attendant, your number one duty may be to supervise parking lots, make certain right car placement, and help consumers as needed. You’ll play a key position in retaining a well-prepared and stable parking environment.


Key Responsibilities:


Parking Management: Oversee the corporation of parking areas and manual cars to suitable locations.

Customer Assistance: Provide help to consumers, solution inquiries, and provide steering on parking tactics.

Security: Monitor the parking region for any suspicious sports and document incidents as necessary.

Payment Collection: Collect parking costs and problem receipts as according to installed protocols.

Traffic Control: Manage the glide of site visitors in the parking facility in the course of top times.

Maintenance Checks: Conduct ordinary tests to make certain parking system is in operating order.

Safety Protocols: Adhere strictly to protection tactics and hints for each consumers and staff.

Collaboration: Work intently with crew individuals to make certain a coordinated technique to parking control.

Documentation: Maintain correct statistics of parking transactions and any incidents that could occur.

Continuous Learning: Stay up to date with parking control strategies and advancements.

Skills & Experience:


Previous enjoy as a Parking Lot Attendant or in a comparable customer support position is preferred.

Excellent conversation and customer support skills.

Ability to address fee transactions accurately.

Familiarity with parking system and protocols is beneficial.

Qualifications and Requirements:


High college degree or equivalent.

Basic understanding of parking control structures is advantageous.


This activity description outlines the position tailor-made for Dieppe, New Brunswick. The revenue will align with enterprise requirements and the placement withinside the city.